Mahabharat - A different point of view - Conclusion

Mahabharat the war was inevitable. It was destined. Though it was a destruction, it lead to new generation, new ethics. Old ethics and beliefs were cleared off and new ethics were established. Lord Krishna Himself did this. We have noticed different culture, behaviour and beliefs in different eras. Tretayuga, When Ram was born, people's belief, dedication towards lord, ethics, behaviour, everything was different. Then came Dwaparyug, where politics, cruelness (at small scale level) was installed. Krishna destroyed them with its tactics and power. And now here we are in Kaliyug. The worst era of all. Today we here many types of crimes. People are crossing limit of cruelness. Rapes, Murders, torture and what not. But yes their is still hope. People still fear god, the almighty. Earth surviving just because their many innocent people staying on this planet, who still follow the rules of nature and almighty. Mahabharat was a teaching, a lesson to a common man of Today. Krishna...