Never Mess with timeline

So, I am back after a long interval. With my new concepts (lolz!!). Today's concept is timeline. So from few days, or you can say months I am following a TV series of DC named The Flash. Really interesting TV series with good concepts of time travel. I know most of them are fictional. But of course we can extract  many good things from it. I always think that humans should extract good things, teachings, lessons and qualities from whatever we see or experience. 

Anyways that's different topic, we will talk on it later. Focusing on today's concept again its timeline. In the series, we can see how flash has a super speed, due to which he can travel through speed of light. Due to this, he can time travel to past or future. Flash has a dark past where his mother is been killed by reverse flash the villain. What he does is, he goes back in past and stops him from killing his mother and then live a life with his parents which he missed in present timeline. But every action we do has a reaction as per nature's law. He creates a flash point where he starts losing his powers, his memories which he has in the present timeline, his friends, love ones etc. Everything. Due to flashpoint, not just him but the whole world suffers. His close friend's brother dies in an accident. His colleagues daughter turns into son, and what not. And he is totally unaware of those facts. Finally, he takes help of the villain to restore the timeline. Though villain, he explains the concepts of timeline. And helps in moving back to the original timeline. But again as mentioned previously, he experiences the changes, which were caused due to the change in timeline, and with other world, he too suffers a lot. 

That's what happens when we interfere  with the timeline. Many times, it happens that the almighty shows a way to move in life. But we keep on sticking in our past. Many times it happens that we try to do some task but even after trying hard, we cannot accomplish it. Some or the other things happens and we fail to complete the task. But their is a plan of almighty to stop us from doing certain things, which if done can mess with the timeline, causing bad or worst effect on life. For example, recently I read in an article, hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg was supposed to travel in the plane which crashed on WTC on 9/11. But due to some issues, he missed the flight and then we know the history. 

If he would have insisted or tried hard to get on the plane or by hook or crook if he would have reached in the plane, we would have lost a great actor. Many times, almighty tries to warn us or prevent us from doing something, The only thing is we cannot understand the signals. If we do, we can keep timeline intact. Of course now many of you would say that should we stop performing actions or work. I would say NO. Keep working. Even if you fail, don't get depressed, remember their is a big plan of almighty for you which will lead you to success. Don't get stick to the failure or past. It will affect your current timeline, and you will suffer due to it in the future. So keep faith. And to my atheist friends, I would say you are my idols and you are totally living the life which we non atheist should learn from. And automatically, as you guys think rationally I am damn sure you guys will never mess with timeline. But still do follow the protocols to keep yourself safe.

Waiting for your comments on my blog. I want to get inspired by new ideas regarding this conept. God Bless.


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