Immortality - A Boon or Curse ??
In every culture, we can get the description of immortals. They say that their are some people who are still alive. In Hindu culture (India), their are seven immortals, still on the earth. Many of us think, immortality is a greatest boon. But every coin has two sides. Immortality leads to really painful events. The first and biggest tragedy for an immortal person is he has to watch his loved ones dying in front of him. The person will be alive for years and decades and centuries. He will be the witness of changes in his surroundings and ultimately the whole world. In my school days, I read a story of a King, who finds a river, whose water leads to immortality. He becomes happy that he will be immortal now. He just steps in the water and now he will drink, someone calls him back "Wait Wait!!!!" . He looks out who's that. He finds a crow talking to him in human voice. He says, before drinking that water listen to me first. Tell me why you want to be immortal?? Ki...