
Showing posts from 2013

Is Really Everything in our hand???

We always say that we can do anything, everything is in our hand. But is it really true. When someone fails to do something, others keep on taunting him, you could have done this, but you didnt tried. But is it really so?? Many a times we work 100%, still we fail why?? As per my view, nothing is in our hand. Yah that doesn’t mean we should not do the actions or the work given to us. God says, keep on doing work assigned to you, dont wait for results. Leave it on me. If everything is in our hand, are we pushing the earth to rotate?? Are we giving her direction to move around sun?? Do we produce rains, snowfall, tides etc.. Then we say that this is been done by nature. Then who is this nature?? Whenever we sleep, our brain sleep, but many of our internal organs still keep on working. And if they don’t, we will die. Do we manually give Direction to them?? Mr heart, Keep on pumping, Mr blood, Keep on flowing, Do we do this?? We say nothing is impossible, have we yet conquered d...

Sixth Sense

After a long interval, I am back with new idea. We have heard much about sixth sense. Some people get knowledge of many things automatically. They can sense any danger coming towards them or their loved ones. Just like our favourite cartoon character Spiderman. But What I think is each and every human has got that sense. The only thing is they are unaware of it, or the power is in sleep mode. Now I am not any baba or something like that who can  enlighten the power. But I myself have realized many things. For example, sometimes I feel like something which I am going to do, should not be done. And If I do it, I either fail or get in some problem. Sometimes students feel like , they will be getting specific questions in their question paper, and they actually come across those questions. While watching cricket, sometimes we feel our favourite player is going to hit six, or he is going to get bowled and it happens. On Discovery channel, I saw a story of some lady. She used t...

Hey God !! u there??

Existence of god has always been a debatable issue. People who believe say yes, and who don't say no. Every human being believes in some type of supernatural power who is backing them at every moment of their life. Atheist people believe in themselves. They don't believe in god. But many times I think how can we question on existence of god. I got some points you people also must have thought about. Now first of all, we got lots of temples all over the world. Can anybody tell me how are they created? How can a human imagine which really doesn't exist. As per my knowledge, a man can imagine only if he have seen that kind of thing  somewhere around him. He cant imagine anything which is non existing. The ancient people, we can say our great great ancestors, must have seen god.  Yesterday, I was watching a video regarding Puma Punku, which says in ancient times aliens came to earth and helped us (humans) to establish and organize ourselves. Humans worshiped the...

Incarnation - Believe It Or Not

In my last blog, we spoke about death. When we talk about death, we also talk about incarnation. We can also call it as rebirth. Is that really exist. Lots of research is been carried out by scientists to understand the phenomena. It is something like a soul changing the body when it gets damaged or old. Ultimate fate or destiny of a soul is always unknown. Some people say it rest back to the place (god) from where it came. Some say it never gets peace. It keeps on roaming and changing the bodies. As per Hindu culture, a soul takes 84 lacs rebirths in different forms including animals, birds, insects etc. And finally it gets human body. And then it goes back to its origin. I read some articles in which I got interesting stories about incarnation. We all must have watched movies regarding incarnation. How can we really describe this phenomena. Taking one example, their was a girl in india living in a very rural area. One find day she met with an accident. When she woke up, she st...

Death is Immortal

Whenever we think about immortality. We look out for people who are immortals. But we conveniently forget that death itself is immortal. Their is no death to Death. Humans or mankind have succeeded in many fields.But still they are unable to conquer the death. On the other hand we can say that their are many things in this world that mankind haven't yet conquered. Death stands in top of all of them. Their are many types of death. Accidental death, Death due to disease, murder etc. If human succeeds to overpower death due to disease, we can't give guarantee about other kind of deaths. Accidental deaths cannot be avoided, as they are mistakes of human itself. I have read some articles in which people says we have cheated death. They say that every human has its death time finalized by nature or we can say god. Once the time comes the god of death comes to pick us.But if it happens that god doesn't reach on time (hahaha!!!) the person come across some accident but miracu...

Immortal Sound Waves

I know you people must be thinking what this subject is suggesting?? Sound Waves. We have learnt about it in school days. These sound waves are used in sonar navigation and many other systems. But sometimes I think, does this sound waves die after reaching to some point? In this universe there are unlimited sound waves still flying everywhere. The need is to catch those sound waves. This sound waves may contain lots of information about many things existing or non existing in this world. Scientist are working on catching those waves, which may prove a boon for mankind. Lets talk about this sound waves on a very low level. Say, Now two people are talking to each other. Their each word spoken by them creates a sound wave which reaches to others ears, and then travels from ear to brain. Brain interprets the sound waves and then the other person reacts or answers the first person. This happens in fraction of seconds, that we cant even imagine. But it also happens that some waves...

False Awakening - Be Careful!!!

From last few days (actually nights!!) I am experiencing a strange phenomena. Actually I have experienced it before too. But these days I don't know its happening every night. I am talking about false awakening. This is the phenomena when a person is actually in sleep but feels like we are awake and we start our daily routine. Isnt that strange?? Whenever we experience a Lucid Dream , we try to come out of it. As we know we are dreaming. But sometimes it happens that we enter into another dream which is replica of real life.  We feel like we are awake now. We can see all those things which are actually present in our room. We start following our routine. But we didn’t realize we are still dreaming. But yeah, their is something unusual in everything we see, if we are able to find out the same, we will be able to come out of that dream. But that dream again becomes Lucid Dreams. Now the horrible thing is if again the person enters in false awakening, it becomes a loop. First...

Immortality - A Boon or Curse ??

In every culture, we can get the description of immortals. They say that their are some people who are still alive. In Hindu culture  (India), their are seven immortals, still on the earth. Many of us think, immortality is a greatest boon. But every coin has two sides. Immortality leads to really painful events. The first and biggest tragedy for an immortal person is he has to watch his loved ones dying in front of him. The person will be alive for years and decades and centuries. He will be the witness of changes in his surroundings and ultimately the whole world. In my school days, I read a story of a King, who finds a river, whose water leads to immortality. He becomes happy that he will be immortal now.  He just steps in the water and now he will drink, someone calls him back "Wait Wait!!!!" . He looks out who's that. He finds a crow talking to him in human voice. He says, before drinking that water listen to me first. Tell me why you want to be immortal?? Ki...

Multiple Personality Disorder...

We have heard about Multiple Personality Disorder. It is the mental illness or disease which is caused due to many reason. Many people suffer from this disease due to tensions, stress, personal problems etc. This problem mostly occur in the people, who don't react or suppress their feelings and emotions. Some people are quite sensitive. Their mind is very weak or becomes weak due to constant personal problems. If someone constantly keep on irritating or teasing or bullying and the person didn't react and keep on tolerating, many times it becomes burden on our conscious mind. And if we ignore, that stress affects our sub conscious mind. Our sub conscious mind is really powerful. Some times it overpowers our conscious mind, and people react in some different way which they are not. For example, if some person is very cool, shy and introvert, he will become extrovert or tempered or aggressive in such situations. He will forget himself and he becomes someone which he want to...

Mind Control Over Body...

We have learnt in school days that mind completely controls our body. Each and every movement of our body is been controlled by brain. We cant even imagine every movement is been monitored by brain with the speed of nanoseconds. For example, If we see a red color object, the process behind identifying that object is quite large. When our eyes see a tomato, the signal passes through our retina to brain, then brain analyzes from his database that what object is this?? searches for its name, gets the answer that yeah! this is a red coloured tomato. The major role in this phenomena is played by light. The rays of light reflects from an object to our eyes, and the above phenomena takes place. The color is actually projection through the rays of light. As we all know in darkness, we wont be able to identify any object in front of us. The next example for mind control is that which took place when I was in school. All my friends in our school and teacher used to talk about a section in ...

Are Dreams Really Connected to Real Life??

As I have mentioned in my previous blogs, from childhood I was interested in paranormal, Time travel and related stuff. Dreams was and still is my favorite subject. I always experience one thing when I am dreaming. whenever I wake up from any dream I still get the sensations related to that dream. Say If I saw a dream in which someone hits me on my hand, after waking up, I used to get sensation on the place (of my hand) where he hit me. Dreams are just the mental projections of sub conscious mind. But they are so much real, that we feel them. Some good dreams, terrible dreams, exotic dreams etc. We feel the environment of each dream and it leaves impact even after we wake up. My father always tell me a story which he read in some article. Their was a guy who used to get a dream, that some soldiers are approaching him to kill him. From the day, he started getting those nightmares, he was unable to sleep. Whenever he used to sleep, those soldiers use to come closer. He met the d...

Multiverse, Universe and Parallel that somewhere connected to what we call Dejavu??

Again something where people will say..dude you have gone completely mad. But yeah, I think very unusual. Cant help ;-) . So all of us know what is universe. But just some days before I read about Multiverse. The term was put in 1895 by the American philosopher and psychologist William James. Multiverse is the possible set of multiple universes.  In school, we learnt that their are infinite number of galaxies in this universe. But when I started reading this article in Wikipedia, I was shocked to know their are many such universe out side the world. Then we cant even imagine how many earth, sun moon and other stars are present in those multiverse.  Now the next thing started pinching my mind was, today what we say those so called UFO's. Is their any chances that they must be coming from those multiverse?? But then something stopped me from thinking this idea. I read the word Parallel Universe. As we studied in school, parallel is something which is very similar to ea...

Are we alone in this world??

Whenever we sit alone at home, though we are alone, we have somewhere in our mind that we are not alone. There are neighbors, people residing in society or nearby area. Sometimes we think, are humans alone in this world?? Is their any other world existing in this universe. We have heard alot about UFO, aliens etc. But still the layman is completely inaccessible about these things. In short, we haven't yet met any alien or UFO personally ;-).  But their should be some other earths in this universe present. We have got some proofs regarding UFO's. As some were genuine reports of UFO sightings. So the question comes out is from where those people coming from? and what is their moto? Are they coming here to study human civilization? Scientist say that aliens or people from other world coming should be very much advanced than us. Of course they should be. Thats why they are able to find us, but we still are searching them. Like our sci-fi movies, one fine day if they attac...

Time Travel ! Is that possible or not??

One more favorite topic of mine. Time Travel. Is time travel really possible?? No one has any answer. Till our great scientist invent time machine. But as per the theories put by some great scientists including Einstein, it should not be possible. As per Einstein, if we conquer the speed of light we have better chances to go into future. Uptil now we have conquered the speed of sound.  Practically if we try to go ahead of speed of light, the machine will actually burn as the friction will cause fire. We will need to find out the alternative for this, but first the target will be to overcome speed of light. I have read many articles, stating that their are some loop holes on our earth, which connects us with the other world. That is you can either go back to past or proceed to future.  We have some people who have actually passed through these loop holes and came back. Do we have such possibility in Bermuda triangle. who knows?? But as per my view time travel should...

You dream is your dream, but what if your reality becomes a dream???

Yes. this is theory put long back by some reputed scientists and philosophers. Just imagine when you sleep, when you are dreaming, you don't realize that you are dreaming (and if u realize, then it is called lucid dreams!!). But if in real, where you can feel, touch, smell, eat, drink, fight and much more... if you realize that whatever is happening is not real then?? Many people will say.. dude you have became mad after watching movie like matrix and inception. But guyz, these are the ideologies presented by scientists and not by me :) But as a layman if u think, while dreaming you wont able to differentiate between fact and dream rite. We see things happening about which we often think. for example, I think of driving lamborghini and hayabusa, which is quite tough ;-) but while dreaming, I do those things, without even realizing that I am dreaming. (and I enjoy too ;-)). As per science, whatever we see in the dreams are the subject stored in our unconscious mind. I even ...